Archive for November, 2009

In the navy…

Posted in Uncategorized on November 16, 2009 by pacepusher

Neal was under some sort of illusion that he would be able to update his blog while he was away on basic training…I think not by the sound of it!  So I am getting the honour instead.

After 5 modes of transport yesterday taking about 9 hours he arrived at Plymouth to, I think, find his kit laid out on his bed for him.  He phoned very quickly last night (and will only be able to phone from now on when he is told he can) and here are the things he said:

  • the running/exercise kit is disgusting (that’s a direct quote!)
  • the trainers are awful and he doesn’t know how he will be able to run in them
  • He had his vaseline taken from him (he said it was for chafing but he has just joined the navy!)
  • He took 16 ibruprofen (he thought that was what you were allowed) and was told to throw 4 away
  • It was chicken curry for dinner with plenty of bread to help yourself to so he won’t starve
  • He thinks the average age is early to mid twenties, so only about 10 years younger than him then!
  • There are thirty in his room and he has as much space as our bathroom for his bed and personal space; I think that is quite generous!

He then sent a text tonight saying he passed the submarine medical today (just as well) and signed on the dotted line (again just as well!).  He said he had no time to do anything, including eat properly so that won’t go down well.  I shan’t reply telling him about Marco’s feast last night!