Archive for Yorkshire

All The Way To The Top Of The Hill… Yet Not A Black Sheep In Sight!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on July 9, 2008 by pacepusher

The average pace of this run does not tell the whole story, yes it was slow, but there was a reason for that…

19:11 8.78 miles 1:10:04

1 8:42 2 8:15 3 8:36 4 7:37 5 7:57 6 7:41 7 8:42 8 7:12 .78 5:23 (6:53pace)  Average 7:59 min/miles

Meeting at the rather embarrassing new club HQ (The Sommerfield car park in Johnstone!) all the talk of tonights route seemed to involve the word, ‘up’! I protested, to no avail, and the route was set. I had no idea where we were going, other than upwards!

So for the first 5 miles that were largely into the wind, we ran up, at times very up, at other times even more up! Up, up, up until we reached the top of the Glennifer Braes. Still I thought, “at least I’ll have a few miles back down the hill”. If we did I missed them!

Leaving the road we hit some great trail, I was thinking that this would be like my second fell race, but the terrain just steadily undulated. There were a few short steep descents but I’m still trying to work out how we got from the top of the Braes, back to Kilbarchan HQ!

So that’s my longest run since that day (WHW race day, obviously!), and it didn’t feel too bad. I even managed a strong finish. Despite telling the 3 guys around me that my legs were done and I’d see them back at HQ, I ran passed them all and lead the way to the (say it quietly, other clubs may not hear us) car park.

I have to give out a ‘How Annoying?’ award tonight though. Davie, who I always thought was an intelligent man, is heading to my home county (Yorkshire) for a week. No, that’s not why I no longer think him intelligent – if you thought that you are probably from (don’t know if I can type it) Lancashire! I am questioning his intellect as he is staying in Masham. Masham houses two of the greatest breweries in the world, Theakstons and Black Sheep ales… a good reason to go there I here you say. Indeed, but… 

****History Alert****

Theakstons was originally run by two brothers. They fell out, in fact one brother fell out with the whole family, and started his own brewery. Appropriately titled, the “Black Sheep” brewery.

 ****History Alert over****

…whilst Davie will have the chance to sample these fine ales, in their finest form, fresh from the brew house… he said to me tonight? “I don’t like beer unless it’s cold and gassy”, yep, he’s a lager only man. Imagine my disgust… as a baby my bottle contained ‘bitter’ (or ‘heavy’ for my Scottish readers!) not milk!

Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh! I don’t know if I’ll sleep tonight, it’s just soooooo wrong! Anyway Davie, your certificate will be knitted by a Masham member of the WI. It will be knitted from the tastiest Sheep in the world, a  Black one! Enjoy your Fosters!

I’m A Yorkshire Lad At Heart!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on July 3, 2008 by pacepusher

You know I love randomness!

The kids these days say, “it’s all gravy”, meaning, ‘it’s all good’. However, if my dinner arrived and it was, ‘all gravy’ – no Yorkshire puddings,  roast beef et. al. (you can tell I’m a Yorkshire boy, I put the puddings first!) – It would not be, ‘all good’! Thus the saying is incorrect. From now on, could the youth of today please state that it is in fact, “a full sunday lunch with gravy.”

Thank you