Archive for Goblet

Welcome To The Darkside!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on June 27, 2008 by pacepusher

Before I start, here’s a nice photo of me doing the customary thing and drinking champagne from my Goblet (please note: for reader’s of Blogwars, Mrs pacepusher also had a drink from the goblet, and all is calm in the pacepusher household!) 

After the ceremonious drinking, washing up has never been so carefully performed!!!!

Now, in the words of Pearl & Dean,“ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bababa ba ba ba ba ba ba ba baaahhhhh BAH! …the following presentation is rated…




There seem to be some people out there with a slightly sadistic side that have asked me to post some photographs of the darker side of the WHW Race. I’ve never been one to let my public down so…

Firstly, here’s my right and left feet the day after the race. I don’t think the photographs do the pain I was feeling justice!


Secondly, there’s the Midgey bites. Here’s a photo of a small section of my leg!

…and then there’s the excessive muscle growth! Note the bit above my left knee.

…and if all that’s not enough to keep you awake at night, here’s the worst sight seen during the race. Would you believe he asked me in this state if I would still run with him! Sorry Brian, it had to be done!

Any takers for a WHWR calendar next year? Brian… Mr January?

Finally, if anybody finds Mrs pacepusher’s video camera could they send it back to us please, she’s lost without it!

In the words of Nick Ross on Crimewatch UK, “Don’t have nightmares, do sleep well!”

I Completed The…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on June 23, 2008 by pacepusher


21hours 08mins 01sec 


         My first WHWR Goblet


Full race report to follow.