Archive for African Elephant

They’re Under Starters Orders…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on May 4, 2008 by pacepusher

I’m all set for tomorrow. I’ve been wearing my Skins all weekend under my jeans, and I’ve eaten lots of pasta. Loads of pasta. In fact, forget my own body weight, I’ve eaten the weight of an African Elephant in pasta! I even had left over pasta for breakfast this morning! I’ve also attempted to have lots of rest, and as much sleep as possible, which is never enough!

I’m all packed ready for the day. Extra kit and change of shoes, food and drink. The only thing left to do is make some sandwiches and get an early night.

To help with our own efforts, I’ve written up a table of Thomas’s (9:22:40 – 8th) and John’s (9:44:41 – 14th) split times from the Highland Fling Race. I’ll be delighted to be anywhere near John’s time but I suspect that Marco will be chasing Thomas’s time. It might be an interesting run.  What’s interesting about the two times though, is that they were almost identical from Balmaha to Beinglass Farm. The difference was that Thomas was 14 minutes quicker over the first section, and, despite his much publicised ‘bonking’, 8 minutes quicker over the final section. Let’s see how we get on tomorrow! 

I’ve been itching to go for a run this weekend. Yesterday I eliminated the temptation by having a couple of beers whilst watching the football. Today I’ve just needed to keep reminding myself what I’m doing tomorrow. A run today would serve no purpose/benefit at all, but I don’t like days off, especially two in a row. If all goes to plan tomorrow, I should manage a new highest weekly mileage. My current best is 81 miles so we’ll see what I manage this coming week. First things first though, let’s deal with tomorrow’s run!   

Yes, I’ve spent too much time on the computer today. Have any of you seen this clip of the finish of the 2006 Chicago Marathon before? It’s really quite nasty. True to form, the comentators can think of nothing better to say than, “…did he cross the line?” 

Finally, I seem to be getting a few new hits recently. I suspect these are through Mrs pacepusher’s contacts. Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave a comment to say hello, or whatever. It’s good to have you, as Zane Lowe (Radio 1, DJ) would say, “on board”.