Archive for Red Hair

Oops! Sorry Terri!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on February 2, 2009 by pacepusher

Sometime ago, back in may 2008 in fact, I blogged this post. The post gave a few facts regarding the hair dye that the character Nancy uses in Hollyoaks. It was, as usual, just another case of pacepusher abusing Mr Tom Foolery. Anyway, a couple of days ago, the post received this comment from a red hair Nancy look-a-like wannabe…

Hi, I’m really trying to find the lip stick gloss hair dye you said Jessica Fox from Hollyoaks uses but I’m havin no luck. I get no success with that web address that was published and when I search online all that comes up for vidal sassoon is hair care products or stylers such as sraighteners etc. I’ve even been on the official vidal sassoon website and still no luck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Terri x

Sorry Terri, you obviously don’t know me, and don’t therefore realise that I’m prone to a little bit of make believe randomness now and again! With this hindsight, perhaps I should have made sure that nobody turned up at Drymen Village Hall to protest against the WHW blue line painting!

Anyway, back to running…

On Saturday,

09:01 20 miles 3:07:45

Average 9:23 min/miles

Again playing coach to Miss Pump, I ran her 20 mile marathon training run with her. I did this last year leading up to the WHWR and found that it was a great way of running a long distance at a slower pace than I would usually run on my own. due to my limited diet, I hadn’t exactly fueled up the day before, and was only able to eat white toast for breakfast. I really noticed a big difference in energy levels because of this and on about 11 miles considered giving in and making it a shorter run. I didn’t though, as much for Miss Pump’s benefit as my own, and I was really pleased that I completed the miles. Miss Pump was also really pleased. Although she tired badly, she never let the pace drop, and she finished with a faster average pace than she had over her previous 17 mile run. She’s running well and should be well capable of finally breaking the 4 hour barrier in the marathon this year (touch this wooden desk!). Harvey also completed the 20 miles, as part of his ultra training!

On Sunday I considered getting up and taking Harvey for a run, but my head told me I was being stupid. I woke up with a rumbling stomach, and as I couldn’t eat all day due to going into Hospital today, I figured that I would really struggle if I ran before fasting. Today I should have been at the club for a snowy session. However, as again I couldn’t eat until after I’d had the tests done (I was due at the RAH at 12:30, but wasn’t seen until about 15:00 – about 40 hours with no food… just wrong, very wrong!) running seemed a little silly. Still, after my tea and toast (I asked for a chicken curry and a pint of lager but the NHS isn’t what it used to be!) I asked the nurse if I could run tonight. She looked at me with a look of ‘are you totally stupid?’ then said, “you’ve just had a sedative and a strong pain killer, NO!” I still don’t see the problem. Sounds like perfect running drugs. The sedative to relax the body, and the pain killers to, well, kill the pain.

Anyway the tests were all clear and I’m going to live. Which is probably a good thing!

Hits To Dye For

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on May 29, 2008 by pacepusher

19:40 6.5 miles 47:47

1 7:41 2 7:35 3 7:36 4 6:57 5 7:30 6 6:46 .5 3:41  Average 7:21 min/miles

It was the pacepusher, Boyracer and Crazyboy show again tonight, and as always, Boyracer claimed to be tired then led the way, I claimed to be tired and then chased him, and Crazyboy didnt’ claim to be tired but after chasing the both of us, is now! The Boy that is officially Crazy only has himself to blame. I said I’d like to run about 6 miles, so he chose a six mile route that goes largely upwards for the first three miles (very largely upwards on the third mile!) then back down again for the next three (I did an extra half mile as a cool down). 

It was a good route and I was really pleased with my uphill running. The downhill section was also great training for the WHW as we really picked the pace up. As you would expect from Mr pace-did I tell you I like running downhill-pusher, my quads felt fine before, after, and during. I’m either lucky, or I must have done something as a kid that has left me with strong quads! 

I chatted to Crazyboy about Sundays WHW run prior to hitting the streets. He’s really looking forward to it but I think he is a little worried about the distance he’ll be covering and the terrain he’ll be running on. I think we all have these feelings the first time we hit the trail, I know I did. He’ll be fine though, and I know he’ll love it. Especially if the weather is kind to us.

Before we headed out the door tonight, Father Crazyboy-in-law took one look at Crazyboy in his running kit and said, “If I was a fisherman I would put you on the end of my hook!”. Genius!

Although he unfortunately can’t join us on the WHW on Sunday, the Boyracer has, once again, increased his training in preparation for being my support runner. He is now covering more miles per week than Jezz Bragg! 

Finally, I once posted a comment regarding Hollyoaks, in particular, Nancy from Hollyoaks, and her red hair.  I get so many hits regarding this that I thought I’d mention it again, although this time I’ll give them some information:

Nancy Dean, or actress Jessica Fox, uses Vidal Sassoon hair dye, available on-line at at a price of $40 plus p+p. She favours the ‘lip stick gloss’ shade, and dyes it herself at home over the side of the bath with the help of her sister, Hannah.

That should keep them happy!