Archive for December, 2010

It’s Snow Fun Out There, But I’m Back!

Posted in Uncategorized on December 20, 2010 by pacepusher

OK, so I’m back running at a reasonably consistent rate, which makes me think that it’s time to resurrect the blog, and start posting at the same reasonably consistent rate! Who knows, maybe I’ll progress to running at an above consistent rate in the near future, and thus start blogging at an above… you get the idea!

So, to catch up briefly… illness and injury led to me not running the 24  hour race, and due to the world’s finest Navy failing to give me any definite plans for the near future, I haven’t entered the WHW Race as hoped either. In fact, all I have entered since my last participation in a race (WHWR 09!) is lower levels of fitness and trousers with a slightly larger waist band! I still have no definite plans for the future, but I’m hoping to do the Fling, and possibly the Edinburgh marathon. Again, these plans rely heavily on what the Navy has in store for me, and that is a complicated story just now… although if you don’t know, I’m now thankfully based at Faslane!

Anyway, about running. I’ve been forced to make use of the treadmills at Faslane during the week due to the ‘adverse’ weather and early dark nights (I hate treadmills but they’ve served a purpose), then on a weekend I’ve been partaking in Mrs pacepusher’s training plan, and joining her for her long runs. On Saturday, we ran 20 miles, some on the road, some on the trail. Now some of you may not have noticed, but on Saturday, that ‘adverse’ weather reappeared…

I know that loads of you out there love running in the snow and the ice, be it in new trail shoes, with new shoe attachments, or simply with no shoes on at all (you know who you are, and you’re mad!), I however don’t get it! There is a reason why somebody took the time to invent skis after all. More to the point, there’s also a reason why somebody invented those goggles that you wear to protect your eyes whilst using said skis… it means that the snow doesn’t constantly go in your eyes and you don’t start to become mildly blind from staring at the whiteness below your feet. Unlike on skis, it is also almost impossible to run at any decent pace in the snow, and if you know me at all, you’ll know that I hate running slowly!

Trying to cheer me up, Mrs pacepusher pointed out that it was great because there was nobody else around… I pointed out that she was there, and her constantly telling me how lovely it was did not create the solitude that she was so lovingly describing. There was also a reason why the only other footprints we could see belonged to a rabbit. He had to be there, he was probably running from a hungry fox, or a fat farmers gun whose 4×4 was stuck in the snow preventing him from getting to the butchers for his lunch. We, on the other hand, had been sitting on the sofa watching Soccer AM before I was dragged kicking and screaming out of the house. We did not have to be out there, the rabbit did! It did give me an idea though…

As we hit the tree line I picked up the pace and ran on ahead a bit. Once far enough ahead and out of sight, I stopped in my tracks, and dived to the right into the trees, thus leaving no footprints, and giving the impression that I had been abducted by aliens! I crouched low and watched as Mrs p ran along happily following my footprints… until they vanished that is! I could see the confusion on her face as she looked around trying to work out where I had gone. Eventually she continued a little further up the trail before stopping, turning round, and calling out for me (see, she does care!). I put her out of her misery and appeared from the trees pissing myself laughing… for a brief moment, I was enjoying the run, although at that point I wasn’t technically running!

By the time we got home, Mrs pacepusher’s red rosy cheeks made her look like one of Santa’s elves, were as I looked like I had been attacked by a  bad pantomime dame’s make-up artist! I had to start with the shower on cold and gradually turn the heat up as my body thawed out… seriously, why do you all think that running in the snow is fun? I for one did not enjoy being pointed and laughed at by all the sane people in the world… although maybe it’s us runner’s that are the sane ones, with all the crazy things I’ve done as a  runner, I’ve never managed to decide!

Anyway, I went back out in the snow tonight and ran 5 miles at 7:44 average pace, so I can’t have hated it that much! I actually enjoyed my run tonight and have three things to report. Firstly, It’s easier to run on the road where there is no snow, rather than on the path where there is lots of snow, however, cars, busses and lorries, use roads and you get in their way if you run on them – oops! Secondly, when the batteries have pretty much run out on your head torch, and the beam is about as much use as Rudolf’s red nose is to Santa on a foggy christmas eve, you should avoid areas with no street lights – oops! Thirdly, I have a new game. The aim of the game is to get the best/strangest noise out of walkers as you run past them. Night time is the best time to play this game, but other than that you’ll need to develop your own tactics. I like to watch as a walker drifts to one side of the pavement, then run past them on the narrowest side. Your sudden appearance will almost guarantee an entertaining noise from the pedestrian as they get just a wee fright (WARNING: Don’t play this game with old people, the noise you hear may be the last noise they ever make!). Tonight’s lucky contestant made a noise somewhere between a dying Christmas turkey and Mika on helium – a classic, she’s made my top three!

Happy Christmas readers!